Karen Seidman



I’m happiest when reading, camping, traveling or cooking. Being in nature is how I recharge. Travel is how I continually open my eyes and gain perspective. Facilitating connection by bringing people together around ideas and/or food, is a strength and a joy.


Coach | Senior Consultant

Both highly pragmatic and Idealistic, I’ve dedicated my career to understanding how to create “stickiness”; or long-lasting behaviors that grow trust and build cultures of innovation, alignment and speed. Currently, my attention is on reducing global warming and aligning to create a sustainable planet. I work primarily with synthetic biology startups that are developing solutions to help our planet.

As an executive coach and facilitator I help individuals, teams and organizations leverage strengths, optimize cross-functional intelligence, and co-create a culture that enable trust, speed, innovation and risk-taking. As a mediator, I help co-founders and individuals work though conflict productively and repair broken trust.

I received by BA in Psychology and International Studies from Emory University, where I graduated Phi Beta Kappa. I have an MA in education and have done extensive course work in cultural anthropology and organizational development. A total of six years living and working in others countries, as well as a background in cross-cultural communication informs my approach to working with diverse teams and leaders in a global environment. Fluent in Spanish and Conversant in Portuguese, I facilitate in both languages. I’m MBTI certified, and a certified New Ventures West Coach.


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