Jayson Morris



I currently live in San Francisco on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone land with my incredible girlfriend and hopefully some furry friends soon enough. Outside of all things coaching, activities that bring me the greatest joy include mountain biking, scuba diving, international travel, hiking/backpacking, all things nature, and krav maga self-defense (former instructor).


Coach | Senior Consultant

My life trajectory took an abrupt turn after a close call with 9/11. Since then, I’ve spent two decades leveraging my talents and time to support individuals, communities, and organizations throughout the world. My professional career has ranged from the high-intensity world of investment banking to building one of the fastest-growing international nonprofits in history, to supporting incredible social impact organizations at several foundations. I’ve been fortunate to work with diverse teams around the world across a multitude of themes and have managed large teams, worked across a dozen countries, and served on several boards of international organizations.  

The latest chapter in my life is devoted to executive coaching and leadership development. I am passionate about supporting clients to deepen their understanding of self, build their leadership, improve communication & relationships, and experience more satisfaction in work & life. I am relatively new to DEIBJ work, but the murder of George Floyd lit a fire to begin with my own inner work (a life’s work) and a commitment to contribute to this vital work across organizations and communities.  

I am a certified integral coach with New Ventures West and the International Coaching Federation and have been an avid student of the Enneagram personality type map (IEQ9 certified), body-based intelligence, and embodied racial equity. I hold a Bachelor’s in Business from Georgetown University. 


Fynn Davis


John Honingford