John Honingford



Senior Consultant

I had a pivotal moment in my life about 20 years ago. That was the point when I began to think about my professional legacy which has spilled into all aspects of my life. My goal was to be a helpful resource to other people. It's clear to me that this realization came from my family. I grew up in the midwest as a middle child in a big very tight knit family. My dad was a doctor and my mom was a nurse. As far back as I can remember, there was always a strong sense of being in service to others. I've strived to be helpful as a manager, leader and as a person. Being helpful means listening and being curious and those attributes are central to the way I work. I'm a firm believer that I can learn something from everyone and that is also my philosophy in coaching. I strive to have some of that curiosity rub off on others. My personal goal as a consultant is to put a pebble into people's shoes - something that will make them reflect on what we've talked about. Whether through coaching, facilitating or teaching, I try to leave a spark for people to investigate further to enhance their own personal capabilities and growth.

My background is in the Biotech/Pharma space where I've spent over 30 years working in large, mid size and start up Biotech companies. I've held a variety of leadership roles that include 20+ years as a people manager, manager of managers or cross functional team leader. I've spent the past 7 years working in Learning and Organization development with a specific focus on leadership development, team effectiveness and "soft" skill development. Although much of my work is in pharma / biotech areas, I've worked across many different industries and have found that the elements of great leadership cut across every company regardless of the industry.

I live in the Bay Area and do work across the US and globally as well.


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